Normally our life is divided into three moments: work, rest and free time. Without a doubt, the facet that we enjoy the most is free time because we have no responsibilities and we can enjoy that moment doing what we like most.
One of the ways to enjoy it and occupy this time is by doing a hobby and although you probably didn't know it, having a hobby, apart from entertaining yourself, has positive effects on physical and mental health.
No matter what type of activity it is that motivates you, since this is very personal, what really matters is that you enjoy it, it motivates you and it makes you feel better about yourself.
Here we tell you what are the benefits of doing an activity that you really enjoy, so that you don't leave it aside or if you don't have one yet, so that you are encouraged to find it.
Benefits of practicing a hobby
One of its benefits is that it reduces stress and prevents other disorders. Hobbies are a positive way to avoid everyday problems because when we do something we really enjoy, we release the hormones of happiness: dopamine, serotonin and endorphins.
Likewise, you will be able to develop new skills, you will be promoting your personal growth and taking care of your self-esteem.
Depending on the type of hobby, you will also avoid a sedentary lifestyle, inactivity and isolation. Because if the activity you choose allows you to visit new spaces, you will be able to cultivate new interpersonal relationships that will give you a feeling of satisfaction.
On the other hand, according to experts on the subject, having preferences for certain activities depends a lot on what hobbies you practiced since you were a child. Childhood is a favorable stage to develop a hobby.
If activities related to art and reading were encouraged from a young age, it is most likely that as an adult you will lean towards these types of activities. Likewise, with sports because the acquisition of an active physical routine is developed. The most important thing, if you want to motivate the little ones in the house to practice a hobby, is that it adapts to their interests and possibilities.
Although it is no secret to anyone, it is currently a challenge to promote hobbies not related to inactivity due to new technologies.
Despite this, it is necessary for adolescents to have other types of spaces during their free time. At this vital stage, the peer group has a great importance, so helping them practice activities within a group of their age can be a good alternative. Sports or music are some of the activities they enjoy the most during this stage.
It is no secret to anyone that as we approach adulthood, responsibilities increase and free time becomes less and less, due to work and for those who have children, parenting. Even so, it is important to organize your schedules, to have a free space where you can pursue a hobby, dedicate time to yourself, and take care of yourself.