

Learn how you could improve your health with a proper diet

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In a world as hectic as today, having an adequate diet becomes a challenge. Most of us want to enjoy good health, but to achieve that goal it is necessary to include a balanced diet in our daily lives that fits our lifestyle. In this edition of our blog we tell you how you could achieve it and what you should do to see results in the short term.

At BMI we care about your nutritional health

Achieving a balanced diet and not abandoning the process is the biggest challenge when you decide to change your lifestyle. In this process it is essential that you know the daily needs of your body and if you have doubts about what or how to achieve a realistic goal, go to a specialist. This will help you carry out an evaluation or prepare a work plan that will allow you to maximize time and achieve the desired goal.

Did you know that eating healthy is not eating little?

We can eat healthy, without a strict and limited diet, it is just necessary to change some habits. Get out of your mind that a diet is just boiled vegetables, eating healthy is giving your body essential nutrients, here we tell you which ones you should take into account:

Fruits and vegetables: that contain vitamins and fiber such as oranges, strawberries, carrots, spinach, apples, pears and broccoli.

Proteins: It is much better that you choose lean meats (low in fat) such as fish, turkey or chicken. Vegetable protein is a great option for your diet, such as: lentils, chickpeas, beans, mixed seeds.

Complex carbohydrates: These will help you with your sustained energy throughout the day, you can consume oats, quinoa, brown rice or whole wheat bread.

Dairy: This food group will provide you with calcium and vitamin D.

healthy fats: essential for the proper functioning of your heart and other organs. I ate olive oil, avocado and fish rich in omega-3.

Something important, don't forget the micronutrients that will make your body function much better: iron, magnesium and zinc, which you can find in various foods. Eating these foods helps us maintain good health and prevent diseases. Likewise, you can have some benefits such as:

  • Control of your weight
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improvement in blood circulation
  • Slowing down the aging process
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Performing physical activity will help you feel better every day

We already told you which foods will provide you with better nutrition, now the extra mile you go for your body is very important for the proper function of your body.

We tell you what efforts you can make:

  1. Do at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily
  2. Drink water, the amount necessary for your body
  3. Take exams to really know how your body is doing.
  4. Limit consumption of sugary drinks and foods high in fat, sugar and salt
  5. Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages and do it responsibly

At BMI we want you to have health and energy every day to enjoy life. Remember that our insurance companies have the MAS Card, which gives you discounts and benefits to take care of yourself and those you love.

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